ESG Management

Climate Change Response

2050 Carbon Neutrality

Pan Ocean aspires to take the initiative in responding to and overcoming the global challenge of climate change. To this end, we declared 2050 Carbon Neutrality in 2022 and established the 2030 Carbon Reduction Strategy as a concrete action plan.

Decarbonising Pan Ocean by 2050

We declared Net Zero by 2050 as an environmental goal for ESG management.

A leader in the decarbonisation of the bulk shipping

We take the initiative in decarbonisation and to lead the future of the industry.
We establish and implement sustainable decarbonisation policies and aim to grow with all customers/stakeholders and share the outcomes with them.

Strategic Targets
By 2030__Implement the 2030 Carbon Reduction Strategy
  • Reduce total emissions by 10.4% and emission intensity by 15.2%
    (base year: 2021)
  • Pursue external validation by SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) in line with the 1.5℃ target
By 2050__Achieve Net Zero
  • Achieve Net Zero in all business areas
  • Provide all customers and stakeholders with Net Zero solutions

Road to Decarbonisation

Safe Work Environment

Onboard Safety and Health Management

Onboard Safety and Health Management System

We pursue to establish a robust safety culture by preparing and sharing safety and health manuals. Onboard safety and health environment committee meetings are held regularly, and safety management countermeasure meetings are held in the head office to discuss vessel safety and health issues and to develop and implement preventive actions.

Onboard health management system
  • 01 Cleaning, space organization, and personal hygiene onboard
  • 02 Onboard vector management and AGM
  • 03 Onboard smoking regulations and quit-smoking campaigns
  • 04 Onboard noise and vibration measurements and management · Seafarer mental health management
Operating the Safe Work Permit System

The safe work permit system aims to clarify work details and relevant safety instructions prior to the commencement of the work, thereby eliminating potential risk factors. The system must be applied to hazardous works conducted in enclosed space, hot work, electrical works, works on piping and pressure vessels, or handling asbestos, other non-regular works, and works designated by the master or the onboard safety officer. For all works subject to the safe work permit system, advance risk assessments must be conducted, and the assessment results and work permit must be posted at the work site. All those involved must attend an onboard safety and health environment committee meeting prior to the commencement of the work.

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility Strategy System

To realize its vision to be a global leading shipping and logistics company, Pan Ocean set the mission of “Value creation of the life and sharing happiness.” We implemented detailed measures on expanding our corporate social responsibility and contributing to the community.


Global Leading
Shipping & Logistics Company


Value Creation of the
Life & Sharing Happiness


Fulfilling its corporate social responsibility
Contributing to the community

Social Responsibility Programs

We regularly offer flowers to the Seoul National Cemetery and provide meals at the Seoul Senior Welfare Center with the socially vulnerable in mind. While we continue to expand these activities, we will actively pursue ways to fulfil our social responsibility that suit our identity as a shipping company.

Eco Clean Volunteer Group

In November 2022, Pan Ocean collaborated with K.D. Tech Co., Ltd,a disabled-friendly workplace, to establish the ‘Clean Eco Volunteer Group’ as part of its community contribution efforts and to engage with various stakeholders while creating job opportunities. The Eco Clean Volunteer Group conducts regular activities twice a month, such as environmental clean-up activities in parks, tourist sites, and subways, sharing meals with vulnerable groups, and cleaning residences for elderly living alone in the local community. Both disabled individuals and employees actively participate in these social contribution activities together.

Lunch Service at Seoul Senior Welfare Center

Pan Ocean conducts volunteering activities at the Seoul Senior Welfare Center, including meal distribution and dishwashing services. During major holidays such as New Year’s and Chuseok, we provide special meals to ensure that elderly individuals have a hearty meal.

Flower tributes at the Seoul National Cemetery

Through a sisterhood agreement with the Seoul National Cemetery, we conduct activities such as replacing floral tributes at the cemetery’s designated areas on Memorial Day and engaging in environmental cleanup efforts as a tribute to the noble spirit of patriotism and devotion.

Promoting Employee Social Contribution Activities

To encourage voluntary participation of employees in social contribution activities, we have established and are operating the “Social Contribution Mileage Program.” This program allows individuals to accumulate mileage points for their social contribution activities, and based on their accumulated points, they receive incentives in the form of monetary rewards or gifts. Social contribution activities recognized under this program include blood donation, financial donations, environmental cleanup, talent donations, account donations, other volunteer activities(including in-house volunteer activities), and any other forms of social contributions. Through the implementation of this program, we encourage all of our employees to actively engage in social contribution activities and look forward to their meaningful contributions to society.